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  • Our World

  • February 12, 2021 3 min read


    Currently residing in Cali, Shayla Møller is the Marketing Director at WildBird. We love following her adventures and her days that are filled with the Southern California sun and her three kids.

    We chatted with Shayla to learn about how she decompresses, the baby products she swears by, and who inspires her.


    We love hearing other people’s stories – what’s yours?

    I was born in South Africa, and my family immigrated to the US when I was 2 years old. I grew up in Utah in a loud, colorful and happy home.

    My husband (who was born and raised in Southern California) moved to Utah for college and we met through some mutual friends. We fell madly in love, got married young, and have had quite the ride growing up together. A couple of college degrees, jobs, and babies later, we've found ourselves raising 3 kids in Southern California.

    He's been a full time stay at home dad for the last 2.5 years, working overtime on the side building a Pest Control business (@terramarpest). While I've been the primary breadwinner, juggling mom/work life over at WildBird (@wildbird).

    With three kids and a full-time job as Marketing Director at WildBird, how do you find time to decompress?

    Every evening, once the kids are down, my phone goes into Night Mode, and I like to turn on a good podcast and tidy the house, or soak in a hot bath, or just cozy up in bed with a bowl of ice cream and a show or movie.

    harly jae journal - in her world - Shayla Moller
    Your world seems filled with the California sun and beach days (we’re so jealous over here in Canada!). Do you see yourself and your family ever moving somewhere else?
    Even though I was so young when my family immigrated from South Africa to Utah, I would always tell my husband that I would never acclimate to the cold. It wasn't in my blood. All I wanted was to live somewhere I could be warm year-round. And I was always drawn to living in Southern California. When we made the move from Utah to California, part of me was afraid it wouldn't live up to the expectations that I had built in my head. But it has. Maybe even surpassed them! So nope, I hope we never have to move elsewhere. :)

    What are 3 things you’ve learned since having your kids?
    01. Living life outside of your comfort zone is much more interesting than living life inside your comfort zone.
    02. Life is fleeting. The good times fade away too fast, but the hard times won't last forever.
    03. Last, but certainly not least, sleep is EVERYTHING. Get it whenever and wherever you can!

    harly jae journal - Shayla Moller
    Baby/kids products you swear by:
    My WildBird ring slings! I may be biased, but honestly they have been an absolute survival tool for my 3rd kid.

    I've also used a Haakaa this time around, and it's been a total game changer! I've been able to save and store so much breastmilk with little to no effort. 

    harly jae journal - In her world - Shayla Moller

    We’ve always felt that clothes help us express how we feel without having to say anything. What item of clothing makes you feel like your happiest, most confident self?

    Honestly it's all about the fabric for me! Anything in a natural linen or hemp fabric, makes me feel so happy and so comfortable. I hate feeling stifled in clothing, and quality fabrics make me feel like I can breathe and relax.

    What/who inspires the way you live day after day?
    It might be the cliche answer, but my answer is my kids. They're such impressionable little sponges, that it pushes me to really focus on how I act and talk around them. It pushes me to put focus and energy into our family life feeling happy and safe and full. And to live in a way that feels authentic to who I am, while still loving and learning from people different than me.

    harly jae - in her world - Shayla Moller

    What changes to your world do you see happening in 2021?

    Since I spent all of last year terribly sick and pregnant, and then freshly postpartum, I am feeling some serious extra pep in my step for 2021! I see lots of hikes, beach days, and physical activities with the family. We'll probably stick close to home as we ride out the pandemic, but I'd love to fit in a few simple road trips and camping trips.


    Shayla wears our Pierrot JacketPierrot Pants in Cream

    Follow Shayla and her family's adventures on Instagram.